Thursday, April 30, 2009

It is All Over Folks

Seriously. Time for you (and I) to leave. And sorry (really to myself. I know no one is in pain over the lack of posts recently) taking so much time off. But I have been busy filling out papers, applications and just kinda trying to figure out my future. No big deal. So with this last post from my $750 Hermin Miller chair, I will compose a nice list of 20 things I will miss from my time here. And some things that I will not be missing.

1. Being spoiled rotten by aunt. I should also mention my uncle as well, but his is more indirect as he does what he is told and has no real say in the matter. Thanks anyway buddy. But I will miss so much about them. The great food, the great conversations, the kid who cries like a dolphin, being told that "When someone tries to give you some loving," I need to be more careful about protruding plastic from my bed. This is becoming a list within a list I apologize. Just know that I appreciate all you guys have done for me!

2. The goofiest dog in the world, Diesel. A 7 year-old Labradoodle that is beyond words. The dog that continues to bark through wearing a bark collar (and so subsequently, he barks, it zaps him, he cries in pain, but immediately goes right back to barking. Process goes on indefinately.) He also joins my 3 year-old cousin in song as she cries.

3. The nicest gym I have ever been in. Lifetime Fitness. Look it up. It's just ridiculous.

4. Manipulating friends for domination in monopoly.

5. Partaking in life, albeit briefly, on a "real" college campus, UNC. However, if I never lay eyes on "Carolina Blue" it will be too soon.

6. And I am slightly torn on this, but trashy TV. This is the height of my TV prowness and I never again will be up-to-date on American Idol, Lost, Friday Night Lights, and The Office.

7. Exploiting my uncle's inability to not eat food put in front of him by constantly putting junk food in front of him.

8. Free liquor. Kinda part of #1. But worth it's own spot on the list.

9. Pub Thursday. More free drinks, but provided by work!

10. Bottomless bags of Cape Cod chips. Again, part of #1.

11. Not being in Rock Hill

12. Being reminded of the theme parks every time I come to work. They have all of this flowing water outside, and an old restored train car. So the smell of chlroine mixed with the visuals is very reminiscent of how theme parks have those things in place as you wait in line for an hour.

13. Misleading people by telling them I work for an Ad Agency. I mean I do, but for free. So not sure that really counts.

14. The friends I made up here. Whether through my time here at McKinney, or through other friends. I'll miss you guys!

15. Carrburittos. Seriously the best burritos I have ever had in my life.

16. All the insightfull work emails. Surrounded by so many smart people. Going to miss all the cutting-edge stuff I was able to learn about.

17. Having the Internet.

18. Being away from my element. It has been really nice to just leave all I knew and start over. Really puts into perspective the things that really matter.

19. "Bonding"

20. Waking up without an alarm clock.

20.1 Not being in Rock Hill

20.2 Free lunch screenings

And now for some things that I will not miss so much:

1. The guy who thinks it is OK to blast music in his office, with the door open, when he could very easily just put on some headphones, shut his door, turn it down, etc etc. NO ONE CARES THAT YOU LIKE NADA SURF. And now The National as I write. Hey, 2k7 called and wants the best album of the year back.

2. People on speaker phone for no reason.

3. People not responding to important emails.

4. Driving 35 minutes every morning.

5. Buying a tank of gas every week.

6. Having the Internet.

7. Vegging in front of the TV.

I guess that is about it. Glad to see my "not" list is so short. Learning not to get bothered by as many things I suppose. But that about does it I suppose...don't really have much else to say. For now I will prep my school applications and get ready to whatever the Lord has me doing next with my life.
